Home → Dog Walker / Trainer Assessment form Step 1 of 27 3% Your Personal Development AssessmentYour Name(Required) First Last Your Email Address(Required) This questionnaire is designed to evaluate the knowledge and skills of a dog trainer or walker, ensuring you have the necessary understanding to handle dogs safely and effectively. Please Note: Some questions are multiple choice. 1) Which of the following is NOT a sign of stress in a dog?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) Panting heavily B) Tail wagging C) Pacing D) Yawning 2) What method does K9 Exclusive Walks use to correct leash pulling?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) Pull back harder on the leash B) Stop walking and stand still until the dog stops pulling C) Tug back on the leash just before the dog walks ahead of you D) Yell at the dog to stop pulling 3) What is the purpose of crate training?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) To punish the dog B) To confine the dog for long periods C) To provide a safe space for the dog D) To prevent the dog from socializing 4) When should you use treats in dog training?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) Only when the dog is disobedient B) As a reward for correct behavior C) To distract the dog from bad behavior D) Treats should never be used 5) Which of the following is the most important factor when introducing a dog to a new environment?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) The dogs breed B) The dogs age C) The dogs comfort and safety D) The owners preference 6) Why is consistency important in dog training?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) To confuse the dog B) To establish unpredictable behaviour C) To reinforce learned behaviours D) To make training easier for the trainer 7) What does it mean if a dog exhibits a 'bow' (front legs down, hindquarters up)?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) The dog is about to attack B) The dog is fearful C) The dog is tired D)The dog is inviting play 8) What are some benefits of using an e-collar in dog training?Select the answers that apply(Required)Multiple choice (FOUR correct answers) A) It can be an effective tool for off-leash training B) It allows for communication at a distance C) It can help with behavior modification D) To control your dog when aroused in the presence of other animals or people. E) Never use an e-collar under any circumstances 9) Why is it important to know how to use an e-collar correctly.Select the answer that applies(Required) A) It guarantees immediate results B) It can cause physical or emotional harm if misused C) You don't need training, its easy to use D) It replaces the need for other forms of training 10) What is the best way to handle a dog that is afraid of loud noises, such as thunderstorms?Select the answers that apply(Required)Multiple choice (TWO correct answers) A) Force the dog to confront the noise B) Ignore the dog until it calms down C) Provide comfort and a safe space D) Punish the dog for being scared E) Turn the loud noise into a positive experience for the dog by giving a belly rub or a tasty treat 11) What is the first step you should take if a dog shows signs of aggression towards you?Select the answers that apply(Required)Multiple choice (TWO correct answers) A) Yell at the dog B) Remain calm and avoid direct eye contact C) Run away from the dog D) If the dog is in your care, correct the dog immediately to show it is unacceptable 12) When introducing a new dog to a group of dogs, what is the best approach?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) Introduce the new dog immediately into the group B) Allow the dog to approach the group without supervision C) Introduce the new dog slowly and under supervision D) Avoid introducing new dogs to established groups 13) Why is socialisation important for a puppy?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) It helps the puppy learn how to interact with other dogs and people B) It teaches the puppy to dominate other dogs C) It makes the puppy fearful of new experiences D) Avoid introducing new dogs to established groups 14) How can you tell if a dog is properly hydrated during a walk?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) The dog is panting heavily B) The dog refuses to walk C) The dog’s gums are moist and its skin is elastic D) The dog’s nose is dry 15) Which of the following commands is most important for off-leash training?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) Sit B) Stay C) Heel D) Come (Recall) 16) What is the most effective way to prevent a dog from developing separation anxiety?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) Never leave the dog alone B) Gradually acclimate the dog to being alone C) Punish the dog if it shows signs of anxiety D) Provide constant attention and never let the dog be independent 17) How often should a dog be walked to maintain good physical health?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) Once a week B) Daily C) When the dog is misbehaving at home D) Every other day 18) What should you do if a dog you are walking suddenly becomes lethargic or shows signs of illness?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) Continue walking and ignore the signs B) Give the dog a treat to cheer it up C) Stop walking and assess the dog’s condition, then contact the owner D) Take the dog to a dog park to play 19) What is the primary purpose of positive reinforcement in dog training?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) To correct bad behaviour B) To punish the dog for undesirable actions C) To establish dominance over the dog D) To reward desired behaviour 20) What breeds are currently banned in England and WalesSelect the answers that apply(Required)Multiple choice (FIVE correct answers) A) American Pit Bull Terrier B) Italian Greyhound C) Japanese Tosa D) Rottweiler E) XL Bully F) Staffordshire Bull Terrier G) Fila Brasileiro H) Bull Lurcher I) Dogo Argentino 21) how can you tell if your dog is the ideal weight?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) Ribs, spine and hip bones can easily be seen, a very noticeable waist and abdominal tuck B) All ribs are easily seen and felt under the skin and a noticable waist C) You can just about see the first 3 ribs, a visible waist and slight abdominal tuck D) Ribs are difficult to feel and see, waist barely visible, no abdominal tuck and slightly rounded belly E) Ribs cannot be seen or felt, rounded sagging belly and no waist 22) At what temperature is it too hot to walk a Sighthound?Select the answers that apply(Required)Multiple choice (TWO correct answers dependant on the dogs size and weight) A) 25°C and above B) 24°C and above C) 23°C and above D) 22°C and above E) 21°C and above 23) What is the normal body temperature for dogs?Select the answer that applies(Required) A) 36.3 to 37.2°C B) 37.3 to 38.2°C C) C) 38.3 to 39.2°C D) 39.3 to 40.2°C E) 40.3 to 41.2°C 24) What illnesses or infections should be checked against for Boarding & DaycareSelect the answers that apply(Required)Multiple choice (THREE correct answers) A) Obesity B) Fleas C) Urinary tract infection D) Kennel cough E) Arthritis F) Parvovirus 25) Why does K9 Exclusive Walks muzzle their Sighthounds?Select the answers that apply(Required)Multiple choice (TWO correct answers) A) Its UK Law B) To stop them from killing prey C) To protect themselves from injury during running and play D) To look menacing so people stear clear All the questions have been answered to the best of my knowledge(Required) I agree