Extra Payments Select your payment type(Required) Daycare Boarding Miniature E-Collar Professional Educator E-collar Other Payment Extra Daycare Date Tue & Thur ONLY!(Required)Please Note: Daycare is not available on weekends. DD slash MM slash YYYY Dogs Name(Required) First Board Options(Required) Kibble/Tinned Raw 10kg-20kg Raw 21kg-30kg Raw 31kg-40kg Morning or Evening Start(Required) am pm Extra Boarding Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Dogs Name(Required) First Other Payment(Required) Additional Charges3.00% surcharge added. Price: £ 0.00 Description(Required)Please enter a short description of what your payment is for:Email(Required) Daycare Price: Miniature e-collar Price: Available from the USA only and Includes shipping & tax You can get all the information about the Miniature e-Collar hereProfessional e-collar Price: You can get all the information about the Professional e-collar hereTotal