

  • Would your dog benefit from Daycare with 4-hour walk/training sessions?
  • Would you like your dog’s recall to be less stressful & more successful?
  • Does your dog display nervousness around other dogs?
  • Do you need Boarding services?

Book a FREE 15min Consultation


  • Boarding service and Daycare 4-hour walk-training packages.
  • Specially selected fields for Sighthounds to run and explore.
  • Tailored programs to suit both you and your dog.
  • Your dog is returned clean from their walk.
  • A maximum of 6 dogs walked.
  • Home Boarding Inc. walks.


  • My FREE 15-minute Consultation is required before registration.
  • I walk & train medium to large dogs. For an idea of suitable sizes, please see these examples.
  • Ready to join K9 Exclusive Walks?

Contact me; let’s Talk



  • Command & Reward Training:- Recall, Stay, Wait, Sit, Down, Heal & Leave
  • Picture & video updates via WhatsApp of your Dogs walks and training.
  • Up to 4-hour walks and training within London’s open spaces.
  • Scheduled pick-up and drop-off service.
  • My K9 Exclusive Walks contract.
  • Canine Welfare Record.

Book a FREE 15min Consultation


Don Jordan Founder of K9 Exclusive Walks holding a mixture of Sighthounds in Hampstead.

A mixture of Sighthounds with K9 Exclusive Walks

My name is Don,

I’m the proud owner of two beautiful rescue lurchers (a Greyhound & Staffordshire mix).

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by Dog Psychology (how they see the world around them).
Knowing how a dog’s mind works results in a happy partnership/relationship. This new understanding opens the gateway to successful training.

To help me better understand you and your visit’s purpose, I would very much appreciate it if you could complete this short questionnaire.